Saturday, June 26, 2010

Our goal was to get out more this year. We promised ourselves we would at least go fishing. My husband and younger son had never caught a fish. So we finally made it out. We went to Leaburg the first time out. We only got a few bites. Next time out we went to Junction City Pond. Say that fast and will most likely come out as Junction Shitty. Anyways, we caught six fish. Just little trout. Now my husband is eager to catch larger fish. I had my fingers crossed that he would feel that way.
My little guy wants to fish often too. He is such a caveman. I can't even go to wildlife refuge without him wondering what every animal tastes like. I hear from the back seat "MOM look a hawk, I bet you he tastes good!" He's a hunter at heart. My older boy lost his appetite from watching the fish cleaning. My boys are like night and day.

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