Saturday, July 30, 2011


Theses are the refrigerator pickles that will hold us over until the other ones are done in six months. The six month pickles are pictured below. Thanks to Leslie for the great recipe.
Here are the 30lbs of cucumbers before they were processed into pickles. I managed to find a Magic School Bus book at the library the other day all about pickles and microbes. Con thought that was pretty cool. Perfect time to come across that as well.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


These are some of the cherries we picked the other day at Detering's. Lifty in the monster kale below.

See Lifty's pretty blue eyes. Our corn is a red kind. It's very pretty I hope it tastes good.
These are the baby marzano tomatoes. They get about five inches long and are a great tomato to can. Very meaty like a roma.
Here is one of the girls in all her beauty. They are getting so big.
This is our broccoli. It is the best one we have ever grown.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cherry Picking at Detering's

We picked just under 21lbs of cherries. We were the only ones in the cherry orchard. They have both light and dark sweet cherries.

This dead crow was hanging by a wire. We think it might be for keeping away the other birds but we are just not sure.