Monday, August 29, 2011


I picked these from the yard. There is a mix of varieties.

August 2011

Here is Kira sleeping. She looks like a little doll. It's not the best picture. It's the best I can do without being able to see on the camera screen. The screen has been busted and I can't figure out how to upload the pictures on my mom's camera. So for now I just take a ton of pictures and hope at least one turns out. Below is the merino fiber I bought to make Kira something nice. It is very soft.

These are some of the morning glory flowers that I have outside the house. The dark ones are a heirloom variety I found somewhere. They turned out to be really nice looking. The color is a little off. They have a little more purple.
This is the first batch of Gravenstein apples we picked for sauce. Some of them are huge. We had to fight the sprinklers to pick these. Aaron did most the picking because he is so tall. I sat on a patch of grass and nursed Kira while Aaron and the boys picked. The orchard was the perfect temperature it was really nice.