Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30th 2011

This is the test knit diaper cover to see if I like the pattern. I think a few adjustments need to be done to make it a little better.This yarn is hand dyed and spun. It is a bit too thin so I am giving the same pattern a go with some thicker yarn.
This is a cauliflower that came up on it's own. Same with the broccoli below. They are very healthy.
Last but not least this is potato salaad with added bacon. Everything is better with bacon.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

This brassica came up on his own. I think it is broccoli but I am not sure. What ever it is it is happy in the ground.
These are the lettuce we have growing in one of the rows. They are loose leaf lettuce and buttercrunch. Also with a brassica of some kind. Below is our snow peas. The kids love them.
Con's friend dragonfly. We think he will die very soon. He is cool while he is around. We found him on the carpet so he most likely was was the victim to one of the cats.
This is about two flats of strawberries. When they shrink up like this you kind of feel like you have thrown a lot of money away.
Here is the only batch of jam I made. I might make a little more since this one did not set all the way
Shifty has a thing for my mohair fiber.

Cade picked all of these. So far this season we have processed about 75lbs of strawberries.

Booties and Socks

Thursday, June 16, 2011

June 16th 2011

Our neighbor gave me this beautiful red tailed hawk. He is older than I am. I have not named him yet.
Greek salad, sausage, pitas, hummus and rice pilaf with orzo. This dinner went together quite nicely.
Our garden is slowly getting bigger. Our potatoes are doing great. So are the tomatoes, beets, leeks and celery.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Food Storage

So far I have frozen four bags of waffles. I am going to freeze English muffins and pita breads as well. I am attempting to make things a little easier after Kira is born. The one quart jar is actually two and a half packages of celery. These are being dried for pea soup mixes. I have also dried a bunch of onions, carrots and cabbage.